Medical beauty

The effect of smoking on the skin

The effect of smoking on the skin

Having a beautiful appearance is very important among people in different social, family and work situations. The importance of appearance is such that it directly affects people’s self-confidence. Smoking or being exposed to the smoke of smokers causes premature aging and severe complications of the skin of the face and limbs. Stay with Mehrasa Salamat for more information. Cigar / Mehrasa Salamat

Nicotine in cigarettes causes contraction and narrowing of blood vessels and disrupts blood flow in skin vessels. And it causes less oxygen to be available to the skin tissues and weakens the nutrition of the skin. Also, cigarette smoke disrupts the process of skin regeneration with its effect on collagen protein and elastin fibers of the skin, and this is how smokers look a few years older than their non-smoking peers.

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The effects of smoking on the skin
Change in skin color

The skin of the face of smokers changes over time and loses its transparency because the flow of oxygen in the blood of these people slows down and oxygen and nutrients do not reach the skin.

These people usually have pale, yellow and sometimes red and bruised skin.

Darkness of the skin of the lips and around the lips is also the reason.

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skin rash

Smokers are prone to skin spots. These spots are more common on the skin of the face, hands and nails due to the direct contact of cigarette smoke with these parts.

The appearance of skin spots is more common in older people with a history of smoking.

Delayed wound healing

Smoking has been repeatedly proven to have detrimental effects on skin wound healing.

Cosmetic surgeries such as skin grafting or skin resurfacing have a lower success rate in smokers.

Complications after surgery occur abundantly. Complications such as:
wound infection
Decreased skin elasticity
Inflammation and redness of the skin
Blood platelet adhesion
Disruption of collagen synthesis
Disruption of angiogenic proteins (VAGF)

The reason is that after inhaling smoke, blood flow decreases by 30 to 40% and causes tissue oxygen damage. Therefore, doctors advise smokers to quit smoking before performing any type of surgery or to reduce the amount of consumption as much as possible and continue this process for several weeks after the operation.

premature aging

Wrinkles and sagging of the skin on the face, neck, and around the lips are other symptoms of smokers and one of the side effects of smoking on the skin, and it appears more in women than in men. The toxic effect similar to the action of ultraviolet light from cigarette smoke, the loss of collagen and elastin of the skin and the narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin, causes the skin to thin and lose its elasticity and ability to receive nutrients, and many and deep wrinkles appear in the person. . Sagging skin in other parts of the body such as arms and chest is another symptom of smoking.

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Skin growths

Acne or acne is a chronic disease caused by inflammation of skin glands. Research has shown that smoking, the duration of use and the amount of use per day, play a role in aggravating the formation of acne, which is one of the signs of the effect of smoking on the skin.

Smoking increases the possibility and severity of viral diseases, especially genital warts.

The recurrence rate of genital warts is higher in smokers, so it is necessary to quit smoking to treat and prevent the progression of the disease.

Here are the side effects of smoking on the skin that usually start at the age of twenty-five:

The new skin cells that are made are usually larger and more irregular in shape. They also grow more slowly.
There are fewer layers of dead cells on the surface of the skin.
A reduction occurs in the moisture-retaining molecules that surround collagen and elastin and keep them moist.
Every ten years, pigment-producing cells lose 20% of their density, at the same time, there is an increase in melanin production in small spots, which is the creator of age spots.
The skin’s defense cells, which protect it, decrease by half in the years between adulthood and old age, and sunlight exacerbates their decline.
The activity of cells called fibroblasts, which produce collagen and elastin, is reduced.
Collagen fibers, which give the skin its elasticity, become thicker and decrease by 1% every year.
Elastin fibers, which make the skin flexible, become loose and break easily. Their number is also decreasing.
The ground substance that holds collagen and elastin together becomes thin.
Blood vessels that carry nutrients and remove cellular waste from the skin atrophy. Those that remain are likely to widen and have thickened walls and are more likely to bend or break.
What effect does smoking have on facial wrinkles?

Cigarette smoke makes the skin pale and thick and creates a gray veil on the wrinkles, especially on the cheeks. One of the reasons is that nicotine dilates blood vessels, so less blood reaches the skin.

What are the effects of smoking on the skin?

1. Premature skin aging 2. Skin stretching 3. Skin cancer 4. Psoriasis

Are smokers prone to skin cancer?

Yes, if you are a smoker, it is better to know that the chance of spreading cancerous skin cells called squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in you is 52% higher than normal people.

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Smoking and contracting various infections

People who smoke have more infections than non-smokers

is a smoker These people usually suffer from diseases like what we say in the following section.

Suffering from various types of bacterial wound infections, which are usually caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, and aureus.
Suffering from a variety of oral infections, such as Candida albicans infection, which has bad wounds
Involvement with various types of human papilloma viruses or genital warts
If a person has genital warts and smokes, he has a high chance of developing cervical cancer and penile intraepithelial cancer.
The effect of smoking on skin cancer

The effect of smoking on the skin of the face and body can lead to skin cancer. Research has proven that smokers are 2 times more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma than non-smokers. The risk of oral cancer and oral leukoplakia, which is known as a precancerous disease, is also significantly high in smokers.

75% of cases of lip and mouth cancer are smokers. Just as smoking increases the risk of developing cancer, quitting it also reduces the risk of developing lip cancer by 2 to 3 times. In this way, you will notice the effect of quitting smoking on your skin very quickly.

Smoking and plantar pustulosis

Plantar pustulosis is one of the debilitating diseases that shows great resistance to treatment. Pusculosis disease often manifests itself with scaling of the soles of the feet. Most middle-aged women who smoke get this disease. In this disease, nicotine binds with acetylcholine receptors in sweat glands and changes their structure, thus causing inflammation. The effect of quitting smoking on the skin of this area will be clear very soon, because the pimples will disappear gradually.

The effect of smoking on oral diseases

Oral diseases are very common in people who smoke. Some of these diseases include the following:

Oral thrush, which includes oral lichen planus and erosive lichen planus
Hairy tongue disease, in which long hair-like growths are seen on the tongue and turn black, green or brown due to the growth of bacteria.
Nicotine stomatitis
Hairy leukoplakia associated with HIV infection
Enlargement of a person’s gums as well as their inflammation

Of course, these cases may occur as a result of not observing oral hygiene, excessive use of tobacco, as well as lack of saliva. The effect of smoking on the skin of the face also depends on the amount consumed by people.

The effect of smoking on drugs

Smoking produces aromatic hydrocarbons in the body, which disrupt the settings of liver enzymes in the body. CYP1A2 is an enzyme responsible for removing toxins from the body. For this reason, smokers should take a higher dose of medicine when compared to non-smokers.

The mentioned drugs include insulin, blood clotting drugs, painkillers and antipsychotic drugs. The effect of quitting smoking on the skin of the face and the condition of the body is quite clear. Smokers consume twice as much alcohol and caffeine as non-smokers. It is interesting to know that by quitting smoking, drinking this amount of caffeine and alcohol decreases quickly. On the other hand, drinking alcohol can also increase smoking in people.

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