
Skin boil or boil

What is a boil or boil?

If you want to know what a boil looks like, you should consider simple purulent boils, which are sometimes as small and sometimes much bigger. Boils are called pimples and bumps on the skin that are purulent and painful. In the article, skin boil or boil / Mehrasa Salamat is trying for your health.

Skin wart or boil / Mehrasa Salamat

Therefore, it is clear that blackheads can appear anywhere where hair grows. But often these boils are formed in the following organs:

Underarm pimples
Pimples on the neck
Pimples on the breasts
Cork on the hips and thighs
Pimples on the scalp
A boil on the skin of the testicle
Pimples on the skin of the face
Why does cork occur?

Most people with boils are healthy and have good personal hygiene. However, they carry Staphylococcus aureus bacteria on their skin. Staphylococcus aureus is usually found in the nostrils, armpits, between the legs and in the buttock gap. It may also be transferred to other places through fingernails after contact with nostrils. Stay with Mehrasa Salamat for more information about this disease.

Scratching the skin or rubbing the skin can introduce bacteria into the wall of a hair follicle, which is a weak spot in the skin’s defenses. As soon as bacteria enter, the body’s immune system tries to fight them. Sometimes a pimple can be caused by an ingrown hair. Others can be caused by foreign substances penetrating the skin and causing infection.

Diabetes and eczema is a chronic skin disorder characterized by very dry and itchy skin. There are two examples of chronic diseases that may increase the risk of developing a staph infection.

Can a cork be contagious?

Pimples themselves are not contagious, but the bacteria that cause them (Staphylococcus aureus) are contagious. Until it is drained and healed, an active skin boil can spread a staph infection. The infection can be spread to other parts of the person’s body or to other people through skin-to-skin contact or sharing personal items such as towels or washcloths.

What are the types of cork?

Different types of boils can form in different parts of the body. Another name for Cork is Fronkel. There are also different types of cork, which include:

Spatula or carbuncle
Pilonidal cyst (occurs in an area behind the buttock)
Cystic acne
Sty (sty) which is called furuncle on the eyelid.
hidradenitis suppurativa (seen in armpit or groin)
Cork complications

Pimples usually have few complications, especially those that occur frequently, but the main complication is scarring. Another side effect of pimples is the formation of pimples and pimples. Some people may experience chronic and serious acne recurrences due to the disease, which can lead to ulcers if not treated properly. Secondary infection from a boil is rare, but it can lead to sepsis (an infection in the blood). However, sepsis is a very rare complication and can be prevented with proper treatment.

Acne treatment
How to treat small pimples

Small pimples can be treated with home remedies. Small pimples can take anywhere from a few days to three weeks to heal. Here are some tips to get rid of pimples:

Do not squeeze the boils and try not to drain them. This can lead to the spread of infection or secondary infection caused by acne.
Place a warm wet washcloth on the boil several times a day.
While using the loofah in the bath, press a little on the pimpled area of the skin without piercing the pimples.
When the boil breaks naturally, cover it with a clean bandage or gauze, this will prevent the infection from spreading to other areas.
Wash your hands after taking care of the pimples, this also helps to prevent the spread of infection.


How to treat large pimples

To treat large pimples or a group of pimples (bottles), you should see a doctor. Only a doctor can drain large pimples. Also, sometimes large pimples become soft but do not drain by themselves, this is another problem that you need to see a doctor to drain. In some cases, to treat the infection, especially in the case of facial acne due to the high risk of complications such as secondary infections or wounds, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

When should you see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment?

Contrary to what many people think, you don’t need to see a doctor for a simple pimple. But if you have the following conditions, you should see a doctor:

If you have a fever along with the formation of skin blisters
If the skin around the boil is red and red veins are formed around it
If your lymph nodes are swollen
When the pain of your skin blister becomes severe
If many boils are formed together or their infection is not drained

Skin wart or boil / Mehrasa Salamat

Home treatment for skin boils
In order to speed up your treatment process and prevent the progression of your skin boil and get the best results from the treatment methods suggested by your doctor, you should follow some tips and do some things at home. Doing these things are very simple, but in most cases they can help the affected person a lot. In the following, we will get to know some of the most important of them:
Avoid touching and manipulating the skin.
Use antibacterial soaps.
Use a warm and moist compress several times a day. Be careful that

Use a clean, sterile towel each time.
Always keep the wound clean with sterile materials.
Avoid exposure to pollution, thick smoke such as cigarette smoke and hookah.
After the blister bursts, cover it with a sterile gauze to prevent it from spreading to other parts of the skin.
Observe personal hygiene and regularly wash and disinfect your sheets and personal items.
What are the methods of preventing skin boils?

The best thing is that we can prevent the occurrence of this skin disease by observing some points and cases; Because this problem can sometimes be very annoying. This is very simple if you have normal conditions and do not suffer from diseases or immune deficiency. But despite some problems and diseases, preventing skin boils is a bit complicated and difficult. In any case, the methods of preventing this disease are given below:

Avoid close contact with people who are infected with this bacteria.
Always keep your hands clean.
Do not use handkerchiefs, towels and personal belongings of others.
If you have to sleep in a hotel or other people’s room, use separate and personal sheets, soap and towels.
If you get a scratch or wound on your skin, cover it.
Is cork dangerous?

Some people are worried when they see large, many and purulent pimples on their skin and think that this is a dangerous disease. But we must say that skin boils are not dangerous, but you should visit a dermatologist to treat them. It can also be useful to do a general test to make sure you don’t have a serious ground disease.

Can we remove skin boils at home?

Squeezing some of these skin boils is attractive to some people, and others think it is better to drain them at home without going to a doctor for treatment. But if you pay attention when you do this, their number will not only increase but also increase. The reason for this is that a person at home may use contaminated hands or tools to drain the skin boil or after draining them, the infectious agent may spread the bacteria to other parts of the skin. For this reason, we recommend that you do not drain these boils at home.

How to get rid of pimples on the skin?

On the skin of some people with pimples, especially on their face, pimples that have burst or healed over time remain. This issue is especially annoying for women. That’s why many people are looking for a way to get rid of these pimples. In most cases, a dermatologist recommends laser therapy. This method can eliminate their place to a great extent. Mehrasa Salam, your health lover

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