Medical beauty

skin health

skin health

The principles of skin health and the actions related to it have always been very important among people and its importance is increasing day by day. Because skin health is not only directly related to the external appearance of each person, but also has a significant impact on people’s health. In such a way that if someone does not take good care of his skin, not only will he have ugly skin, but his physical health will also be at risk. Skin health / Mehrasa Salamat

Skin complications

One of the most common skin complications, which is one of the main concerns of people, is all kinds of skin pimples and acne, which usually appear due to not observing skin hygiene in different people, especially young women. Other side effects of not following the principles of skin hygiene include skin diseases, skin blemishes, skin itchiness, skin irritation, skin wounds, freckles, premature wrinkles, flaking, excessive fat, etc.

Personal skin hygiene

The skin covers the entire surface of the body, and its coverage in adults is on average 2 square meters and its weight is about 3 kg. It receives one third of all the blood flowing in the body. Normally, it can repair itself and is almost completely impermeable to water. Follow Mehrasa Salamat for more information.

Skin health / Mehrasa Salamat

The thickness of the skin in different parts of the body varies from about 0.1 mm to more than 4 mm. It is thicker in the palms and feet than in other areas and thins in the eyelids. The skin has elasticity; As the skin of the abdominal area during pregnancy and the skin of different parts of the body becomes edematous and returns to its original state after giving birth or the swelling is removed. As the age increases, the elasticity of the skin decreases, and skin wrinkles are due to the decrease of this property. “The skin of the human body” indicates the state of the body’s health; Because a bad diet, poor “digestion” and the presence of some toxic substances in the body affect its color and condition.

Diagnosis of skin type

Types of healthy skin are: normal, dry, oily, mixed.

Normal skin: traces of acne, blackhead or whitehead comedones, fine wrinkles (around the lips, around the eyes, on the forehead, etc.) are not seen on this type of skin. A person does not feel dry and stretched in his skin.
Dry skin: fine wrinkles (around the lips, around the eyes, on the forehead, etc.) and flaking (rosacea) are symptoms of dry skin. After washing the face and hands, a person feels dry and stretched in his skin.
Oily skin: Acne (pimples), blackheads or whiteheads, shine (due to excess oil) are signs of oily skin.
Mixed skin: in the area behind the lips, nose and middle of the forehead (T zone), the skin is oily and in other areas it is dry or normal.

If the skin is sick, it should be treated first, then it should be treated to improve its purity. (Common diseases: acne, pimples, blackheads or whiteheads, rosacea, which is known as flaking, fungus, etc.)

Cosmetic products must be chosen according to the skin type.

Skin health / Mehrasa Salamat

Important tips about skin health
– Avoid excessive fatigue, lack of sleep, stress and anger.
– Avoid frowning, wrinkling and pulling the facial skin.
– Do not press the facial muscles while talking and thinking.
– If we have changed our facial muscles in a certain way when we are worried, excited, thinking, etc., as soon as we realize it, we should put our face back to normal.
– Drinking 5-8 glasses of water during the day makes the skin clear and removes toxins from the body.
– Use foods rich in vitamins, low-fat and fresh foods, fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
– Periodic increase and decrease in weight will have an adverse effect on the skin, so be careful about your weight.
– Use cosmetics less because of disruption in the natural activities of the skin.
– The ultraviolet rays of sunlight are the most effective factor in causing aging and skin spots.
– Never be exposed to sunlight without using sunscreen creams suitable for your skin type and with SPF above 15, because it causes skin problems such as dry skin, burns and skin cancer. to be
– Any type of sunscreen with any (SPF) is not effective on the skin for more than three hours, and we must reapply after 3 hours.
– The maximum amount of sunlight reaches the earth between 10 am and 3 pm.
– To fully protect the skin from the harmful radiation of sunlight, in addition to using sunscreen creams, we should use covers such as hats, clothes with sleeves and gloves.
– If you have oily skin, never use any soap to wash your face without consulting a doctor or dermatologist.
– Dust and smoke that settle on the skin at the end of the day should be completely cleaned every night with the help of cleaning materials and then use moisturizing cream.
– In case of any changes in the shape and consistency of the skin and skin moles, immediately consult a dermatologist.
– After the age of 30, in order to prevent the appearance of irreversible age changes, we must use suitable creams that maintain the consistency of the skin of the face, around the eyes and lips.
– Use only well-known and authentic health-cosmetic products.
– In case of skin sensitivity and itching after using cosmetic-health products, stop using it and use a milder product (with doctor’s advice).
– Never go to bed without washing your face makeup.
– Be sure to take a bath after sweating and doing sports activities.
– If you have dry skin, it is better than greasy creamsUse it.
– To perform surgery and beauty procedures, go to a specialist doctor and avoid going to non-specialists.
Selected products for maintaining health and skin care:
Soap and cleansers: In skin care, these compounds are used to remove makeup, grease, and dirt from the surface of the skin. Today, cleansers are more popular than soap because they maintain the skin’s moisture. In fact, these cleansers are for the health and hygiene of the skin.
Moisturizer: Oily moisturizer should be used for dry skin, and there is no need to use moisturizers for oily skin, except in special cases, such as cold seasons, and also for acne-prone skin, we should not use normal moisturizer. For normal skin, do not use a moisturizer with minimum fat, and for combination skin, do not use a moisturizer on the chin, nose, and forehead areas.
Sunscreen: One of the most important and essential things in skin health is the use of sunscreen. The lighter the skin, the more likely it is to be damaged, and patients should take care of the harmful rays of the sun.
Masks: Another skin care solution is the use of masks, which are recommended for deep cleaning of skin pores, skin tightening and skin moisturizing. Most people appreciate masks because of their easy availability and effects, but in the case of patients, these products should be used once a week.
Using sunglasses as it protects the eyes from the sun and protects the wrinkles around the eyes from the sun. When using glasses, it is better to have the shape of the eyes and have a larger rim to prevent harmful waves from entering.
Appropriate measures and skin hygiene reduce the damage caused by sunlight to the skin and maintain the moisture of the skin.
Moisturizing cream: Using exfoliators also restores the skin and the skin becomes soft and transparent.
Eye cream: By opening the blood vessels around the eyes, these creams increase blood circulation in these areas. It is better to use these creams first thing in the morning and at night after washing.
Exfoliating cream: With regular use of exfoliating creams, we will have skin free from wrinkles, dryness and sagging skin. This causes the skin pores to open due to thickening of the skin. You can use this cream at night instead of moisturizing creams. It is enough to apply it all over the face except around the eyes after washing the face.

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